Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Day I Start A Blog

Hello all!
I'm pretty new with this, so bare with me!
So I've been reading tons of blogs this year, and I decided that maybe, just maybe, that I should try my hand at them, I mean, it's just like keeping a journal...right? Well I haven't quite decided what to have my blogs be based around, but I figured that I could just do it on the stuff that I love, like anime, nail polish, make-up (even though I'm not an expert with it), books, my art, etc, etc... I'm not a fashionista, or anything spectacular, but do have an Etsy even though I hardly use it. I suppose I also hope that this will help me sell some of the necklaces that I make as well, but who knows!
So I guess for starters, my name is Ashley, I have a lovely Fiance on which we just moved in together a few months ago. We have lots of furry critters, a dog, four sugar gliders, and a hedgehog! If I could have it my way, we would have a ton more animals, or I would buy a zoo and place a nice large house in the middle of it so I could live there! I'm a jack of all trades (mostly), as I've grown up in a small town in New Hampshire, and both parents have taught me many skills that I can apply towards life, and mostly those of art and culinary. I've grown up with two older sisters, and many different kinds of pets. Needless to say it was a crazy house! I've been through a lot growing up; parents divorcing, getting a step-dad, losing a few close friends, etc., but you know, it's been good for me, I am who I am today if none of that has ever happened! I'm a loving and outgoing person, and I'll try to make this a regular thing!

Thanks for reading, and I'll keep you posted! 


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